In this tutorial we will show you how to use for the first time the Company Search API in order to get the legal name and headquarters address of a company given its VAT.

Useful resources

  • API di Company Search documentation (the api that we’ll use)
  • JS Fiddle with code for the tutorial, the bottom right box is actually working, just fill in your token and go
  • Here you can check how many credits are available and you consumed on your token, and here you can find funrther information about credit billing

Let’s start!

To find a company given its vat, you can just query the endpoint companies, with the vat parameter of the base package, with your TOKEN, like this:


The answer modified for brevity, contains:

  • items: è is the list of results, companies, which in this case, looking for VAT, has only one item
  • meta: contains number of results, order, limit and offset. Useful to paginate and order
  • id: is the ID that Atoka uses to identify the company, used by many other APIs
  • name, fullAddress: the information, we were looking for!
  • base: contains all the information provided by the basic package, detail of the address, NACE code, company type, date of foundation and more
    "items": [{
        "id": "6da785b3adf2",
        "name": "SPAZIODATI S.R.L.",
        "country": "it",
        "fullAddress": "Via Adriano Olivetti, 13, 38122, Trento (TN)",
        "base": {
            "legalName": "SPAZIODATI S.R.L.",
            "startup": false,
            "taxId": "02241890223",
            "vat": "02241890223",
            "active": true,
            "founded": "2012-02-13",
            "nace": [{
                "code": "62.01",
                "description": "Computer programming activities",
                "rootCode": "J"
            "legalForms": [ ... ],
            "registeredAddress": { ... }
    "meta": {
        "count": 1,
        "limit": 1,
        "offset": 0,
        "ordering": "atoka"

How much does it cost?

Every company with at least one data package costs 1 credit of type companies:*. The example request will then consume 1 credit, because the API returned only 1 company, and we asked for the package base for it (using package=base in the request).

Atoka Trick

In case we are not interested in all the details present in package base (like NACE), we consume 0 credits by just avoid asking for packages:

GET  // costs 0 credits
    "items":  [{
        "id": "6da785b3adf2",
        "name": "SPAZIODATI S.R.L.",
        "country": "it",
        "fullAddress": "Via Adriano Olivetti, 13, 38122, Trento (TN)"
    "meta": {
        "count": 1,
        "limit": 1,
        "offset": 0,
        "ordering": "atoka"

For further information about credit billing please read our documentation.