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Accedi a tutte le informazioni di Cinello Srl Società Benefit, di altre 6 milioni di imprese e 13 milioni di contatti con i prodotti Cerved pensati per te!
Cinello is a company specializing in digital art, committed to promoting and enhancing artistic heritage, on a national and international scale. Founded in September 2015, it invented and patented DAW® (Digital Art Work), unique, certified digital editions of ancient, modern and contemporary art masterpieces (it is the ideal solution for the sale and lending of video art and native digital art works). DAWs® are made in limited, numbered and authenticated editions, 1:1 scale, non-reproducible, protected with a patented digital encryption system. They make it possible to comply with all the requirements specific to works of art, primarily the uniqueness of the work itself, authenticity and certified provenance. Cinello's patent, which has been filed and granted in several countries around the world (China, Europe and North America), allows DAWs® to be purchased by collectors or loaned to third parties, individuals, museums and foundations, to create exhibitions of masterpieces that would otherwise be unmovable, representing an extraordinary opportunity for the sustainable dissemination of knowledge of our country's art and culture.
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