Big Data at hand.
With Atoka APIs, your information can boost its potential, improving efficiency and performance, whatever the industry.
Implementing Atoka APIs means giving new fuel to sales, marketing, purchasing and any other business area for efficient decision making.
Reliable and comprehensive company details: headquarters, legal form, ATECO code, date of start of activity
Turnover and its trend over time
History of the main economic and financial indicators
Number of employees, quarterly updated and coming from I.N.P.S. official data
Corporate structure, with both shareholders and shares owned by the company
Information on the official positions held in the company
Complete and geolocated addresses of all locations, including secondary sites
Corporate websites and extraction of main related keywords
Processing of full text searches on company web pages
Identification of technical solutions adopted in websites such as CMS, E-Commerce, etc.
Contacts, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses organised by business area
Company presence on social networks, with historical data on the trend of followers
Roles listed on company web pages of people connected to the company
Public contracts, tenders, and participating companies from
Company API
Location API
Real Estate API
People API
News API
And more
Numbers, sources, use cases.
How to enrich your CRM.
A quick guide to make the best out of our APIs.
The architecture, sources and contents, example outputs.