Data organisation

Logical structure

This section explains the logical structure of the data available via the API, regardless of how it is physically stored and how it can be programmatically queried, for the sole purpose of facilitating understanding of the general structure. The details are discussed in the following sections.

The structure of the data is relational and therefore cannot be simply represented in a two-dimensional table (for example, think of a company that owns several buildings, each of which has its own address and its own size in rooms). For simplicity and to better understand the structure of the data, we can think of it as the mathematical structure of a graph: the nodes represent the main entities (companies, people, properties, places, etc.) and the arcs between the nodes represent the relationships existing between the entities (e.g. ownership, location, role, etc.).

Note that both entities and relations can be associated with a series of ‘properties’, which further describe certain aspects (e.g. name, VAT number, legal nature for a company; tax code, gender and date of birth for a natural person, etc). In the figure below, we display as an example only some of the existing properties and relations.

Physical structure: choosing a query strategy

Given the highly relational structure of the data, in order to manage the complexity and large size of our repositories, the data is made accessible in form in different API Endpoints. The different endpoints correspond to the different types of entities in the graph (e.g. there is one endpoint for companies, one for people, another for places, etc.). Although by accessing one of the endpoints it is still possible to follow certain relationships and access properties related to the different entities present, this is not always possible due to performance issues. Querying the companies endpoint for Poste Italiane SPA it is therefore possible to access only some of the tens of thousands of local locations of the company because to obtain a complete list with all the details and addresses it is necessary to use the specific Locations endpoint.

The choice of how to query endpoint data and which parameters to use in a query therefore depends on your specific use case, there is no universally valid strategy.

The main entities of the data structure

The main entities represented in the data structure correspond in most cases to a specific endpoint. The main entities are univocally identified by at least one identifier, called “atoka id”, although more than one identifier1 may correspond to an entity (e.g. VAT number and REA number for companies, tax code for persons, etc).

Economic actors


They are the main entity and collect more than 15 million operating and non-operating companies, among those registered and not registered in the REA (Repertorio delle notizie economici e Amministrative). Among the registered companies are corporations (subject, among other things, to the obligation to file balance sheets), partnerships, cooperative societies, sole proprietorships and many other types of companies. Among the companies not registered in the REA, there are about 2 million organisations, including professionals, associations, condominiums and many other types of organisations not subject to the obligation to register in the Data Archive.

Public Administrations

More than 22,000 public bodies divided into more than 90,000 organisational units from the national index of public administrations.

Natural persons (Partners and Representatives)

They include members and exponents (natural persons holding offices and powers within an organisation), amounting to about 13 million people. Where available, in addition to shares and corporate offices, natural persons are associated with the real estate they own.


They represent the territorial units of the companies (including the headquarters) and can be of a different nature (operational headquarters, warehouse, sales outlet, etc.).

Places (geographical entities)

They represent the territorial administrative units, organised according to a logical structure stretching from the region to the census cell.

Real estate

These are the cadastral source properties associated with companies or individuals. The properties include the address, cadastral triple, cadastral category, yield and, for certain types of property, also the size and an estimate of the market value (according to the Cerved Group property model).


These are public contracts tendered by public administrations and awarded to one or more companies. They include all contracts supervised by the National Anti-Corruption Authority.


More than 15,000 news items are analysed every day by automatic algorithms, which associate them with the companies and company representatives mentioned in them. The news comes from over 700 national and local print and digital newspapers and magazines.


These are arbitrary groupings of companies compiled by users of the Atoka platform. A list belongs to a specific user and can be shared in read or write mode with other users of the platform.


This is the set of national sectors defined by the Classificazione delle Attività Economiche (ATECO), aligned to the international NACE nomenclature

Entities (concepts/keywords)

It is a vocabulary of more than 4 million different concepts, each corresponding to a Wikipedia page, automatically associated with economic actors through the semantic analysis of their websites, social media and other documentary sources.


It is a set of web technologies, including e-commerce platforms, payment systems, content management systems and many others, associated with economic actors through the automatic analysis of their websites..


Below is a general list of sources that are used to find the data available on the Atoka platform:

  • Registro Imprese of the Chamber of Commerce - Chamber of Commerce records, balance sheets, XBRL
  • Cerved Group S.P.A. - calculation and processing of various data: balance sheets, financial groups and others
  • Company websites - meta-information and text of web pages
  • Social accounts of companies (facebook, twitter)
  • IndicePA - index of public administrations
  • Informatic Register of Protests and other registers - extraction of negatives and calculation of relative scores
  • Consit - prejudicial and other deeds of registry
  • ANAC (National Anti-Corruption Authority) - public contracts
  • SISTER by Agenzia delle Entrate - real estate and cadastral data
  • OpenPolis - data on politically exposed persons
  • INPS - quarterly data on number of employees
  • Accredia - ISO certifications
  • Numerous websites for extracting news related to exponents and companies

Depending on the nature of the sources and the optimisation logic, updates follow different profiles, such as daily (e.g. news), weekly (e.g. data from Business Register, IndicePA), monthly (e.g. web data), up to almost yearly (e.g. data from financial statements).


Some numbers

  • operating companies: 6 mln
  • non-operating companies: 10 mln
  • companies with unknown operational status: 5,9 mln
  • people: 38 mln
  • public contracts: 12,8 mln
  • operating companies locations: 23 mln

Note: Coverage metrics are generally provided for operating companies. In particular, companies whose operational status is not known are not included in the counts as they are generally highly variable in the amount and quality of data related to them.

Personal data

Update frequency: daily

Data present for: 95% - 100% operational companies, 62 - 100% non-operational[^2].

The personal data of companies and natural persons are taken from the Chamber of Commerce records, which are collected and processed by Cerved. This applies both to companies that are legal entities and to natural persons linked to the companies through shareholdings or official positions.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: base

endpoint: companies

    "id": "6da785b3adf2",
    "vat": "02241890223",
    "taxID": "02241890223",
    "legalName": "SPAZIODATI S.R.L.",
    "legalClass": "Società di Capitale",
    "legalForms": [
            "level": 1,
            "name": "Società Di Capitale"
            "level": 2,
            "name": "Società A Responsabilità Limitata"
    "startup": false,
    "rea": "210089",
    "founded": "2012-02-13"

*the number of columns in the example has been limited for visualisation purposes.


Update frequency: daily

Data present for ( headquarters): 98% operating companies, 86% non-operating companies

Addresses of headquarters and local units are geo-localised and enriched with coordinates so that they can be displayed on a map. This is not the case for addresses related to persons.

The address is displayed either in full format or divided by components: place name, street name, house number, postcode etc.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: locations

endpoint: companies

Note: The /company endpoint has a location limit of 10. The total number of available locations for the company is shown in the count field.

To get information about all the locations of a company it is necessary to use the /locations endpoint.

Subject registeredAddress (registered Address):

package: base

    "registeredAddress": {
        "fullAddress": "Via Dell'Unione Europea, 6/A-6, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI)",
        "lat": 45.41691,
        "latlonPrecision": 90,
        "lon": 9.25743,
        "macroregion": "Nord-ovest",
        "municipality": "San Donato Milanese",
        "postcode": "20097",
        "province": "Milano",
        "provinceCode": "MI",
        "region": "Lombardia",
        "state": "Italia",
        "streetName": "Dell'Unione Europea",
        "streetNumber": "6/A-6",
        "toponym": "Via"
Subject location:

package: locations

    "id": "0ef76064b441",
    "type": "Studio",
    "address": {
        "fullAddress": "Via Mario Giuntini, 25, 56023, Navacchio, Cascina (PI)",
        "hamlet": "Navacchio",
        "lat": 43.68490295,
        "latlonPrecision": 90,
        "lon": 10.48699555,
        "macroregion": "Centro",
        "municipality": "Cascina",
        "postcode": "56023",
        "province": "Pisa",
        "provinceCode": "PI",
        "region": "Toscana",
        "state": "Italia",
        "streetName": "Mario Giuntini",
        "streetNumber": "25",
        "toponym": "Via"

Balance sheets and employees

Update frequency: annual, ~6 months after the closing date

Data present for:

Balance sheets - 16% operating companies2

58% Joint Stock Companies2 (the only ones subject to financial statement filing requirements in Italy)

Employees - 74% Operating companies

The raw data is represented by financial statements and related documents such as XBRL, optical financial statements, notes to the financial statements, etc. from the source of the Company Register (Chamber of Commerce). On the basis of this data, Cerved processes so-called “reclassified financial statements” following normalisation, verification and amendments to correct any errors; these data also include additional indicators and quantities calculated by the Cerved Group that are useful for financial statement analysis. It should be noted that as a result of these changes, some items generally available in the “original” financial statements are missing or modified, as, for example, they may relate to values and dimensions that are often the result of accounting operations and therefore not robust for the creation of financial statement indices and analyses.

The data shown is referred to as reclassified because of the reclassification based on different types of companies (industrial, real estate, financial, leasing, holding).

The differentiation between statutory and consolidated financial statements is included.

In the ’economics’ package there is also information on the quarterly historical series of employees from Infocamere.

Finally, the fields capitalStock and public show respectively the share capital extracted from the Chamber of Commerce survey and whether the company is listed on the stock exchange.

They are also available on request through

  • up to the last three years of all the items present in the Cerved Group reclassified financial statements (CeBi)
  • up to the last ten years of the financial statements in the EEC Directive IV format.
Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: economics

endpoint: companies

    "balanceSheets": [
            "assets": 1457817000,
            "capitalStock": 50521000,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "date": "2019-12-31",
            "ebitda": 140287000,
            "latest": true,
            "mol": 133942000,
            "netFinancialPosition": 551086000,
            "production": 298796000,
            "profit": 41530000,
            "purchases": 807000,
            "rawMaterialsVariation": 0,
            "revenue": 298796000,
            "revenueTrend": 0.016,
            "revenueTrendLabel": "stable",
            "servicesAndTPGoodsCharges": 89372000,
            "staffCosts": 74675000,
            "year": 2019
    "employees": [
            "date": "2020-06-01",
            "latest": true,
            "value": 1082,
            "year": 2020
    "capitalStock": { "value": 50521142 },
    "public": true


Update frequency: daily

Data present for: 24% operating companies

The shareholdings are also derived from the data available from the Chamber of Commerce. Below a minimum threshold they are not shown in Atoka (negligible percentages).

For each company, information is available on the shareholders of the company as well as the holdings of the company. Also included in this information package is information on who owns more than 25%, sometimes identifiable as a ‘beneficial owner’; however, there are some exceptions (including financial, holding and other) where this is not identified with a natural person.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: shares

endpoint: companies

    "beneficialOwnerOf": [
            "active": true,
            "cervedId": 364943955,
            "id": "1335c3c19a47",
            "legalName": "CERVED RATING AGENCY S.P.A.",
            "name": "CERVED RATING AGENCY S.P.A."
    "shareholders": [
            "active": true,
            "company": true,
            "id": "d8a23b3def67",
            "lastUpdate": "2020-06-29",
            "ratio": 0.0231,
            "typeOfRight": "proprietà"
    "sharesOwned": [
            "active": false,
            "amount": 50000000,
            "id": "936f12733738",
            "lastUpdate": "2014-05-06",
            "legalName": "CERVED GROUP SPA",
            "name": "CERVED GROUP SPA",
            "ratio": 1,
            "typeOfRight": "proprietà"
            "active": true,
            "amount": 10776,
            "id": "fabf60f9ca03",
            "lastUpdate": "2018-05-16",
            "legalName": "MAJOR 1 S.R.L.",
            "name": "MAJOR 1 S.R.L.",
            "ratio": 1,
            "typeOfRight": "proprietà"


Update frequency: weekly

Copertura: 14 mln people

The data on people shown on Atoka refer mainly to individuals linked to companies through membership or official positions. The total number to date is about 14 million. The primary source is always the company register, from which information such as:

  • generalities
  • fiscal code (and consequently place and date of birth)
  • last known address (where available)
  • official roles and holdings in companies

Additional information can be linked to an individual:

  • contact details: work emails taken from the company website
  • negativity subscore, calculated on the basis of negatives directly linked to the individual and/or the companies he/she is connected to
  • real estate sub-score, calculated on the basis of real estate data (quantity, type, size etc.)
  • centrality subscore: indicator of the influence of the person in the Italian company network
  • real estate: precise data on real estate linked to the person reported in SISTER
  • political positions in local and central administrations, present or past
  • news: news that SpazioDati’s algorithms associate with that person.
Atoka Enterprise API

Note: The endpoint company has a limit on exponents of 10. The total number is however shown in the count field. The order reflects the importance of the person according to their position.

If you need information about any other people associated with the company, beyond the 10 provided via the people package in the `/companies` endpoint, please contact

documentation: read more

package: people

endpoint: companies


Level 0:

    "count": 43


    "birthDate": "1969-06-12",
    "cLevels": ["CEO"],
    "familyName": "Mignanelli",
    "gender": "M",
    "givenName": "Andrea",
    "id": "pLiEGf6-JM3SGZbBMu",
    "name": "Andrea Mignanelli",
    "roles": [
            "name": "amministratore delegato",
            "since": "2019-04-19"
            "name": "consigliere",
            "since": "2016-04-29"
            "name": "chief executive officer"

Graph4You (direct and indirect relationships)

Using the data on holdings, official positions, effective owners and any groups, the graphs are developed available under Graph4You on Atoka.

Atoka Enterprise API

The information is available via the Cerved API:


Update frequency: weekly

Data present for: 42% operating companies (companies with at least one associated entity)

SpazioDati’s proprietary technology, entities - also called keywords - are rich data linked to concepts identified from Wikipedia pages; they can be related to companies or people.

The sources of these keywords are: textual data from the Business Register (e.g. business description), website text and social accounts.

Entities are also linked to natural persons if they own shares in, or have official roles in, companies to which entities have been assigned.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: entities

endpoint: companies

    "de": [{
        "name": "Ausbildung",
        "score": 0.3333333333333333,
        "uri": ""
    "en": [{
        "name": "Education",
        "score": 0.3333333333333333,
        "uri": ""
    "fr": [{
        "name": "Éducation",
        "score": 0.3333333333333333,
        "uri": ""
    "it": [{
        "name": "Educazione",
        "score": 0.3333333333333333,
        "uri": ""
    "pt": [{
        "name": "Educação",
        "score": 0.3333333333333333,
        "uri": ""


Update frequency: daily

Data present for:

phone numbers: 37.8% operating companies

email: 11.3% operating companies

Contacts (e-mail, fax, phone numbers) related to companies come from both official sources such as Chamber of Commerce records, public administration, and unofficial sources such as websites and social networks.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: contacts

endpoint: companies

    "emails": {
        "address": "",
        "type": "other",
        "verified": true
    "fax": [
      "+39 02 2940 1153"
    "phones": [
            "fullAddress": "Via Dell'Unione Europea, 6/A-6, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI)",
            "locationId": "3063a2fa9127",
            "number": "+39 02 8909 6061",
            "source": "phone books",
            "verified": true
            "number": "+39 800 029 029",
            "source": "web",
            "verified": false


Update: monthly

Data present for: 11.3% operating companies

SpazioDati uses web crawling techniques to obtain an exhaustive database of possible corporate websites; following specific matching logics these websites, where possible, are matched to a company.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: web

endpoint: companies

    "description": "Cerved fornisce servizi di valutazione, gestione e recupero crediti, report e studi di settore a aziende e istituti finanziari.",
    "languages": [ "en", "it" ],
    "logo": "",
    "websites": [
            "active": true,
            "url": ""
            "active": true,
            "confidence": 0.9547110921,
            "url": ""

Account social

Update frequency: monthly

Data present for: at least one social: 5.1% operating companies

Through the above-mentioned web crawling procedures, SpazioDati also extracts the social accounts of companies. The social accounts supported to date are:

  • facebook
  • twitter
  • linkedin
  • instagram
  • youtube
  • vimeo
  • flickr
  • googleplus

Activity indices of these social accounts are also available, with reference to two different time windows: global is calculated over 12 months and local over 3 months; these indices are expressed in terms of quantiles. For details, please refer to the link to the documentation below.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: socials

endpoint: companies

    "facebook": {
        "id": "158085997557040",
        "likes": [
                "count": 763,
                "date": "2015-12-31T12:00:00.000000"
                "count": 1002,
                "date": "2016-06-02T12:00:00.000000"
                "count": 1023,
                "date": "2016-06-09T12:00:00.000000"
        "url": ""
    "linkedin": [
          "url": ""
    "score": {
        "blog": 0,
        "facebookGlobal": 0.704,
        "facebookLocal": 0.7653,
        "global": 1.0,
        "globalLabel": "top",
        "local": 1.0,
        "localLabel": "top",
        "presence": 1.0,
        "twitterGlobal": 0.8391,
        "twitterLocal": 0.6675,
        "updateTime": "2020-10-26"
    "twitter": {
        "followers": [
                "count": 269,
                "date": "2016-06-16T12:00:00.000000"
                "count": 357,
                "date": "2017-01-19T12:00:00.000000"
        "friends": [
              "count": 247,
              "date": "2016-06-16T12:00:00.000000"
              "count": 263,
              "date": "2017-01-19T12:00:00.000000"
        "url": ""

*not included because not present for this company e.g.: instagram, vimeo, flickr, youtube.

Real estate

Update frequency: weekly on the basis of daily registrar movements

Data present for: 9.5% operating companies

Copertura: 98.2% of operating companies and partnerships

Data made available from SISTER (managed by Agenzia delle Entrate), including:

  • address of the property
  • metadata (lot, section, …)
  • type (residential, land, …)
  • size
  • ownership (owners3, shares, etc)

To this information Cerved adds an estimate of the value of the property.

In the Atoka API basic information about aggregated property categories can be obtained via the /companies endpoint - described below -, while full data can be found using the dedicated /realestate endpoint.

Atoka Enterprise API
For endpoint companies:

documentation: read more

packages: realestate

endpoint: companies

    "categories": [
            "code": "A/10",
            "label": "Uffici e studi privati"
            "code": "C/6",
            "label": "Stalle, scuderie, rimesse, autorimesse (senza fine di lucro)"
For endpoint realestate:

documentation: not yet available

packages: base,owners

endpoint: realestate


List of objects so defined:

basic package

    address: {
        "fullAddress": "Via Londra, Rende (CS)",
        "macroregion": "Sud",
        "municipality": "Rende",
        "province": "Cosenza",
        "provinceCode": "CS",
        "region": "Calabria",
        "state": "Italia",
        "streetName": "Via Londra"
    "cadastralInfo": {
        "category": "Stalle, scuderie, rimesse, autorimesse (senza fine di lucro)",
        "categoryCode": "C/6",
        "floor": "S2",
        "income": 163.82,
        "layout": "31",
        "lot": "517",
        "subLot": 9,
        "updateTime": "2019-02-25"
    "estimation": {
        "averageMax": 48880,
        "averageMin": 37440
    "size": {
        "unit": "mq",
        "value": 52
    "type": "building"

owners package

    "id": "8b2d6ff2b408",
    "company": true,
    "entitlement": "Proprieta’",
    "label": "CERVED GROUP S.P.A.",
    "ratio": 1

Public Contracts

Update frequency: daily

Data present for: 9.4% operative

67 mln contracts since 2014 (representing 99.3% of the contracts in the National Anti-Corruption Authority’s register).

Data exposed by the National Anti-Corruption Authority and processed by SpazioDati. They include:

  • client
  • type and description of the tender
  • companies participating in the tender
  • winning companies
  • economic value, including any partial amounts already disbursed
  • date and deadline
Atoka Enterprise API

The data are available both company by company (if it participated and possibly won at least one tender) and in detail via the APIs.

documentation: read more

package: govcontracts

endpoint: companies

    "applied": true,
    "won": true

For details of public contracts company by company the answer will be as follows. Please note that the source does not offer any official data for reliable matching, such as VAT number or tax code.

documentation: read more

package: base

endpoint: contracts

    "id": "61635e0dfd26",
    "subject": "Servizio 2017"

base package

    "amount": 7000,
    "amountPaid": 0,
    "cig": "Z461D7E0DA",
    "commissioningBody": {
        "atokaMatched": true,
        "id": "cb7b48472d51",
        "registeredAddress": {
            "macroregion": "Nord-est",
            "municipality": "Trento",
            "postcode": "38122",
            "province": "Trento",
            "provinceCode": "TN",
            "region": "Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol",
            "state": "Italia"
        "taxId": "00340520220",
        "vat": "00340520220"
    "contractorSelection": {
        "code": "4",
        "label": "Procedura negoziata senza previa pubblicazione del bando"
    "participantGroups": [
            "awarded": true,
            "id": "cad77176b112",
            "participants": [
                    "ateco": [
                            "code": "82.91.10",
                            "description": "Attività di agenzie di recupero crediti",
                            "rootCode": "N"
                    "atokaMatched": true,
                    "id": "cad77176b112",
                    "legalForms": [
                            "level": 1,
                            "name": "Società Di Capitale"
                            "level": 2,
                            "name": "Società Per Azioni"
                    "legalName": "INNOLVA S.P.A.",
                    "registeredAddress": {
                        "macroregion": "Nord-est",
                        "municipality": "Buja",
                        "postcode": "33030",
                        "province": "Udine",
                        "provinceCode": "UD",
                        "region": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia",
                        "state": "Italia"
                    "taxId": "01836920304",
                    "vat": "01836920304"
    "participantGroupsCount": 3,
    "startDate": "2017-09-11"

Reliability/risk score (CGR & CGS)

Update frequency: weekly

Data present for: CGS — 93.6% operative

Cerved’s proprietary score that uses a variety of data sources (payment data, negativity, financial stability indices, etc.) to produce an estimate of the probability of default, and generally of the reliability of the company. It may not be calculable or subject to review in cases where there is insufficient data or the data present has not been adequately verified.

This is calculated for both companies and individuals, but with different scales: 0-100 for companies, where 100 represents maximum reliability and almost zero risk and 0 represents very high risk of default / very low reliability.

For individuals the score is intended as a rating, with a scale of 1-10; 1 represents maximum reliability and 10 minimum reliability.

In addition, for the /people endpoint, a Boolean variable indicating the presence of negativity related to the natural person is also available.


Some specific sub-scores are also available on request, both for the company object and the person object; the list of these is available in the documentation pages linked below.

The use of these sub-scores requires special permissions from our partner, so please contact if you are interested in this data.

Atoka Enterprise API
Subject company:

documentation: read more

package: cervedindicators

endpoint: companies

    "subscores": {
        "C13_MBD": {
            "classValue": "4.0",
            "description": "Affidabile",
            "realTime": false,
            "updateTime": "2019-03-23"
        "C4_EVNT": {
            "classValue": "0.0",
            "description": "ASSENZA DI EVENTI",
            "realTime": false,
            "updateTime": "2019-03-02",
            "value": 50
    "cgs": {
        "label": "Buona",
        "updated": "2019-03-04",
        "value": 69
Subject persona:

documentation: read more

package: cervedindicators

endpoint: people

    "cgrP15": {
        "linked": false,
        "updated": "2019-03-05",
        "value": "1.0"
    "cgrP4": {
        "linked": false,
        "updated": "2019-03-05",
        "value": "0.0"
    "cgs": {
        "realTime": true,
        "updated": "2019-03-27",
        "value": "2.0"
    "negativities": false

Foreign market propensity score

Update frequency: semiannual

Data present for: 11.2% operating companies

Score calculated by SpazioDati on the basis of official and unofficial data on a company’s propensity to trade abroad. The sources used are both official registers that indicate a certain presence of relationships in foreign markets used as ground truth, and various data from Chamber of Commerce registers, websites, balance sheets and others. It is not calculated for public administrations, very small companies or companies with certain specific Ateco codes that suggest activities for which the propensity to foreign markets is not indicative, such as, for example, v activities.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: not yet available

package: foreignmarket

endpoint: companies

    "areas": [
            "continent": "019",
            "continentLabel": "America",
            "lastUpdate": "2019-02-27",
            "official": false,
            "provenance": [
            "type": "continent"
            "continent": "142",
            "continentLabel": "Asia",
            "lastUpdate": "2018-10-07",
            "official": true,
            "provenance": [
            "state": "CN",
            "stateLabel": "Cina",
            "subRegion": "030",
            "subRegionLabel": "Asia orientale",
            "type": "state"
    "exportPropensity": {
        "score": 1,
        "scoreLabel": "certain",
        "updateTime": "2018-09-27"

Score innovazione, centralità web, Indice di Disagio Sociale e Edilizio

Update frequency: monthly / monthly / each census

Dato per presente per:

innovazione: 10.9% operating companies

centralità web: 12.7% operating companies

IDE & IDS: 92.3% operating companies

The SpazioDati innovation score is an indicator of a company’s affinity with the world of start-ups and innovative companies. It is developed from entities (or key concepts), which in turn are obtained by SpazioDati from information available on websites and in company registration documents. It is available both by category (i.e. compared with companies with similar Ateco) and globally. Always expressed as a quantile.

The web centrality score indicates the importance of the company’s sites (if any) within the graph of corporate sites. Similarly to the innovation score, it includes one score per category and one global score, again expressed as a quantile.

The indices of social distress (IDS) and building distress (IDE) are two scores calculated from the latest census data, calculated for each company on the basis of the census cell of its registered office. A high score represents a high level of hardship.

For web centrality scores and territorial indices please contact

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: atokaindicators

endpoint: companies

    "innovation": {
        "categoryScore": 0.59,
        "categoryScoreLabel": "medium",
        "score": 0.57,
        "scoreLabel": "medium",
        "updateTime": "2019-02-24"
    "territorialScores": {
        "IDE": {
            "label": "minimum",
            "value": 0,
            "valueNational": 0
        "IDS": {
            "label": "medium",
            "value": 0.67,
            "valueNational": 0.7092
    "webCentrality": {
        "categoryScore": 0.97,
        "categoryScoreLabel": "top",
        "score": 0.95,
        "scoreLabel": "top",
        "updateTime": "2019-02-24"


Update frequency: monthly

Data present for: 5.3% operating companies

This package provides data on the technologies used from the site (or multiple sites, if any) associated with the company.

These are grouped by category in order to be able to more effectively identify what types of technologies are used, including:

  • analytics
  • apps
  • blog
  • cms (content management system)
  • e-commerce
  • marketing
  • payments
Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: read more

package: technologies

endpoint: companies

    "blog": [{
        "name": "wordpress",
        "sources": [
        "version": "4.9.9"
    "cms": [{
        "name": "wordpress",
        "sources": [
        "version": "4.9.9"
    "marketing": [{
        "name": "yoastseo",
        "sources": [

*not included because not present for this company e.g.: analytics, apps, ecommerce, payments.


Update frequency: bimonthly

Data present for: 1.2% operating companies

These data represent ISO certifications from Accredia. It is possible to obtain information on the type of certification, the institution that provided it, the reference date and the activity for which the company was certified.

Each company can present one or more certifications.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: not yet available

package: certifications

endpoint: companies


singolo oggetto:

    "activity": "Gestione energetica della progettazione e fabbricazione di macchine per movimento terra e sollevatori telescopici mediante le fasi di costruzione di componenti (taglio, lavorazioni meccaniche, assemblaggio), verniciatura e montaggio",
    "startDate": "2016-12-30",
    "type": "UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2011"

Notes & sales funnel


for information regarding the use of this endpoint, please contact

Using the Atoka API you can also manage a sales funnel for your customers on Atoka.

The so-called lead statuses - Nuovo, Primo Contatto, Appuntamento, Proposta, Negoziazione, Vinto (New, First Contact, Appointment, Proposal, Negotiation, Success) - represent the status of negotiations with your customers. This information is accompanied by an update date and any notes, in text form, that accompany a status change in the sales funnel.

To be able to use this function you need the company’s Atoka ID, which is available via the company endpoint.

Atoka Enterprise API

documentation: not yet available


endpoint: leadevents



for information regarding the use of this endpoint, please contact

The service allows you to manage (create, read, update, delete) lists of companies.

It is also possible to manage the sharing and visibility of lists to other users belonging to the same group (application).

  1. Note that some identifiers are not necessarily unique. For example, there are borderline cases where the VAT number and the tax code do not uniquely identify an individual (e.g. Omocodie). ^2]: the coverage may change for each type of data: e.g. VAT number is present for 95% of operational companies, while it drops to 61% for non-operational companies. Legal name and legal nature have 100% coverage for both operational and non-operational. ↩︎

  2. data referring to financial statements closed in the year 2017. ↩︎

  3. ownership can be linked to individuals or companies. ↩︎

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Which Data

Numbers, sources, use cases.

Atoka Enterprise API

Big Data at hand.

Atoka+ API

How to enrich your CRM.

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