How to make the best use of Atoka Enterprise APIs

With a database of more than 22 million Italian—out of which 6 million are operative—, 13 million verified contacts, Atoka provides access to the information you are looking for through APIs designed for every need. On this page you will find several tutorials, starting from the simplest ones that will guide you through the basics, up to the more advanced ones that will let you take advantage of the full potential of our service.

SuperQuick reference

Access token

The API needs authentication, via a token generated with each call, similar to xuao1d61b5234c1e912b11856c3f4de3. If you do not have it yet, drop us an email at to create a test one! The token is used to authenticate your requests and consume credits for the data you display. You can check the credits available on your token in real time via


Packages and endpoint

Atoka’s API is divided into several endpoint, including:

  • hundreds of fields and dozens of filters for more than 22 million companies;
  • geographic queries on all company locations in Atoka;

And, again, real-estate, people, and much more.

Within each endpoint, data is organised into several packages, which are logical grouping units. The packages available for the endpoint companies for example are:

  • base: general company information, VAT number, headquarter address, Ateco code, etc…;
  • contacts: phone contacts and e-mail addresses;
  • economics: number of employees, financial data, revenues and seasonality;
  • entities: list of semantic entitities linked to a company;
  • people: information on managers and directors and their roles in the company;
  • shares: who owns who and what, with amounts and percentages;
  • web: data extracted from the web such as description, logo, checked websites, rss feeds, keywords and more.

Through the packages parameter you can select what to get in the response and check which parameters to use to build your request. For example, if you want to know how the followers of a certain company are growing, the package socials provides you with the data you are looking for, while with contacts you can have phone numbers and email addresses and so on. For a list of emails and phones from companies using Twitter and Facebook, the two packages can be combined together to filter and enrich the response.

Contact us to try Atoka

More information on Atoka data

Which Data

Numbers, sources, use cases.

Atoka Enterprise API

Big Data at hand.

Atoka+ API

How to enrich your CRM.

Data Structure

The architecture, sources and contents, example outputs.